Welcome to the Academy

We are a crystal and energy healing school, based near Salisbury.  The academy holds regular workshops introducing crystals and energy and also short evening workshops, designed according to group need.  Subtle Energy Healing sessions are also available, using crystals, colour and Bach flower remedies.

The Academy also holds a two-year diploma course in crystal and energy healing which teaches about crystals, healing and the subtle bodies and involves lots of inner developmental work which gives you the space you require to begin to discover who you really are and how to work towards being the best version of you.  This is alchemy on a spiritual level.  The diploma course is truly transformative.

For more information on our courses and workshops, please email me at andrea@academyofcrystalsandenergy.co.uk

or for our diploma course, click the button below.

Read more about ACE Principal, Andrea Webb…

About The Academy

The ACE was formed in 2022 and is the next step on from Andrea Webb’s Healing Centre.  It has expanded its offerings, and as ever crystals form a major part, as do colour and Bach flower remedies.

The biggest change is that ACE is offering a two-year diploma in Crystal and Energy Healing.

I get a real buzz out of teaching and seeing the excitement that the world of crystals and vibration brings.  I love seeing the transformations; the turning of lead into gold, the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, a sparkling diamond emerging from a piece of coal.

The gold, the butterfly and the diamond all help make this world a better place to be, a more enlightened world, a higher vibrations world.  This is the world I want to be a part of, being better every day. 

What about you?  Do you want to be part of this world too?

Read more about ACE Principal, Andrea Webb…

Discovering Transformation

Diploma Course

This course is for those who wish to qualify as crystal and energy healers, but who are also dedicated in promoting their own self-development and want to learn about tools that can help them in this way.


From subtle energy medicine healing to create balance, to colour therapy readings and relaxation techniques along with crystals and Bach flower remedies to relieve stress. The Academy offers them all.


Would you like to see Andrea Webb in person and experience her incredible gifts and skills close up? Then click below to discover forthcoming events, where you can receive readings and take away healing crystals to use in your own home.

Follow The Path To New Possibilities

Contact Us 

Mob: 07780 708437

Email: andrea@academyofcrystalsandenergy.co.uk
