Diploma Course

This course is for those who wish to qualify as crystal and energy healers, but who are also dedicated in promoting their own self-development and want to learn about tools that can help them in this way.  The student will achieve a good foundation of crystal healing techniques and other more general techniques, which can be used as a springboard to develop even more deeply if so wished.

This course is serious and along the way, you learn why it takes two years to become a good crystal healer. You will receive a diploma qualification in Crystal and Energy Healing.

The course is comprised of seven weekends in each year, totalling 28 days training in all and although focus will be on working with energy, the subtle bodies and crystals, it also includes a basic working knowledge of sound, colour and flower healing, including working with Bach Flower remedies.

Personal development is incorporated throughout the course, allowing you to grow through your own awareness, enabling understanding, growth, awareness, truth and exploration through empowerment, always for the highest good of all. You will learn integrity, responsibility and confidence when working with your clients.

In addition to the 28 days training, there will be home study to include reading, meditation, practical sessions, written assignments, case studies and putting together a portfolio.

This is a profound course and requires dedication.

What’s Included

Some of the themes studied will be:

  • In depth study of 24 crystals
  • Selecting, cleaning, tuning and activating crystals
  • Grounding and protection of the energy field
  • Learning how to channel energy for healing
  • Healing safely with and without crystals
  • Working with appropriate crystals as required
  • Understanding the various subtle bodies within the auric field, the chakra system and gridline system and how to assess them
  • Using colour, sound and flowers in healings, with and without crystals
  • An understanding of the Bach Flower Remedies 
  • Working with clients and setting up a healing practice

For a detailed overview of the course and pricing, please contact me – please see details below!

Dates of any workshops being held can be found HERE!

Contact Us 

Mob: 07780 708437

Email: andrea@academyofcrystalsandenergy.co.uk
